Video portal connects Philadelphia with cities across globe

Philadelphians came out by the scores to connect with people in three Europe cities in front of a new Portal in LOVE Park.
A Portal video installation launched at the JFK Plaza, also known as Love Park, where it now livestreams 24/7 to other ...
Crowds coordinated jumps and dance moves with people in Dublin Tuesday morning at LOVE Park. The “Portal,” which generated ...
The video sculpture will give people in Philadelphia real-time connections with folks in Ireland, Poland and Lithuania.
A Portal art installation in LOVE Park that aims to connect people around the world through a real-time live stream is ...
A city official told CBS News Philadelphia that the "Portal" art installation was damaged as it was put up in Center City's ...
PHILADELPHIA— A Love Park two-way live stream art installation drew large crowds yesterday as the portal provided ...
That light-up "Portal" to another part of the world is now live in the center of Philadelphia, connecting the City of ...
For once, the biggest tourist attraction in Philadelphia’s Love Park isn’t the iconic artwork that gives the plaza its name.