Rare coins and bills that haven't been released to the public are often worth a lot of money thanks to an error or specific ...
The $2 Red Seal Star Note is a highly prized collectible ... The 1963 $2 Barr note is a coveted item for collectors. These bills bear the signature of Treasury Secretary Joseph W. Barr, whose term ...
Not all $2 bills are valuable (beyond their $2 face value) but some of them could be worth thousands. For example, a $2 Federal Reserve Star Note, printed in 2003 with a low single-digit serial ...
Some $2 bills printed for America’s 200th anniversary feature special serial numbers, misprints, stamps or star notes that can make them worth up to $900. The rarest is a “ladder note,” with ...
Depending on the year and how it was circulated, some $2 bills are now worth thousands. Here's how to check the value of your bills.