A fire in the patio of a two-story apartment in the Mid-Wilshire area was knocked down Wednesday, authorities said. Reports ...
A woman was seriously injured when a fire erupted at an apartment building in Los Angeles on Sunday, authorities said.
Firefighters extinguished a blaze in a Panorama City apartment, with no injuries reported and the fire contained to one unit.
Post-Covid concerns about small landlords are continuing to drive the conversation around renter aid policies.
It was reported at around 6:30 p.m. at a two-story building in the 600 block of S. Cardondelet Street, according to the Los ...
Firefighters discovered a 30-year-old woman with critical burn injuries Sunday while extinguishing a mattress fire at a two-story apartment building in Exposition Park. Firefighters dispatched at ...
OPINION- And so the word went out almost precisely two months after fire incinerated most of the Pacific Palisades district in Los Angeles: The water is OK again, you can drink it, come on back ...
With her baby due in a little over a month, Marina Morse has been trying to find a stable place to stay after losing her ...
Rents in January and February rose 0.7 percent across the region — more than double the 0.3 percent increases for apartments ... across Los Angeles as thousands of refugees from fire-scorched ...
Los Angeles may soon consider how to lower the cost of building apartments by allowing just one single stairway.