Conservation efforts in Vietnam are proving successful after a rare Asiatic black bear was recently recorded by WWF camera traps Vietnam: Conservation efforts in Vietnam are proving successful after a ...
World Animal Protection rescued the Asiatic black bear from an illegal bile farm in Vietnam, where he was found "in a narrow, steel cage," which made it hard for him to move around freely Nicholas ...
(COLORADO SPRINGS) — On Monday, Jan. 20 the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo(CMZoo) is celebrating the birthday of one of its residents who they say is the oldest living member of her species in human care.
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KKTV/Gray News) - A bear in Colorado is celebrating a milestone birthday. The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo said its Asiatic black bear Beezler turned 32 years old Monday.
LAHORE: The population of the Asiatic black bear is declining in Pakistan and its status on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature Red List is classified as ‘vulnerable’.
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KKTV/Gray News) - A bear in Colorado is celebrating a milestone birthday. The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo said its Asiatic black bear Beezler turned 32 years old Monday. Beezler, ...