The family of Tyrone Mason is seeking answers after the officer who responded to his accident had nearly 200 cases dismissed.
Hensel disclosed that he worked for the apartment complex leasing office. He's currently facing a first-degree murder charge. According to Orange County court records Hensel is being held in jail ...
Recently on the "Wake Up With Dee" Morning Show listeners were treated to an exclusive interview with Nationally recognized Civil rights attorney Benjamin Crump ... they don’t want the blues ...
Benjamin Crump, camera-lovin’ lawyer for the families of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown, rocketed to fame perpetuating the “Hands up, don’t shoot” lie. Never mind that even the left-wing ...
Two weeks to the day since Greater Atlanta’s Amanda Sylvester collapsed in a club volleyball practice and later died at a hospital after an ambulance failed to show, her family has turned to one ...