There are two types of complaint resolution processes available to students, faculty, staff and visitors to UTSA who believe they have been subject to illegal discrimination or sexual harassment: ...
At any time after a Formal Complaint has been signed and before a determination regarding responsibility has been reached, the parties may voluntarily agree to participate in an informal resolution ...
After discussing the basic information about a concern, OIEC analyzes the incident to determine if a formal or informal resolution ... in or cooperate with a resolution process. There is no time limit ...
UNG encourages that all concerns be addressed first at the level that the concern has arisen (such as between a student and instructor) through the Informal Complaint Resolution Process. Many issues ...
The institutional complaint process for distance learning students is the same for all students regardless of physical location. Students may voice concerns in an informal or formal manner. Students ...
The Student Ombuds office is a place New School students can go to for assistance in resolving conflicts, disputes or complaints on an informal ... among parties and provides opportunity for informal ...