In the Somali way, the only marriage that mattered was the one in the mosque. "Ilhan came back to Minneapolis all the time to see her family, but her brother didn't come with her," he added. Omar ...
According to the UK Daily Mail, sources confirmed that Omar told her friends that her second husband was actually her brother and that the marriage was a scam to get him immigration papers. Ilhan ...
The false rumor about the Minnesota congresswoman originated from the America's Last Line of Defense network of parody and ...
Brandon Gill (R-Texas) launched a petition to have Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) deported—and, because there’s no floor with these people, he’s also fundraising off this insanely racist demand.
The Texas lawmaker who last week called for the deportation of Rep. Ilhan Omar is now escalating the effort, urging his supporters to sign a petition to that end. Concretely, Rep. Brandon Gill's ...
Ilhan Omar replied to it and wrote ... He reportedly said that the marriage was conducted through a Christian minister even though both Omar and Ahmed Elmi are Muslims. The DailyMail provided ...