Are you seeking a touch of divine inspiration and serenity for your digital world? Look no further! Whether you’re a devout ...
The resurrection in Jewish thought means that the new age has arrived and that the old age of evil and death has come to an end.
Why does Jesus rebuke Peter, admonishing him to “Get behind me, Satan”? What is behind Jesus’ stern warning to his disciples ...
Sixth, the beginning of miracles. Redemption is the beginning of miracles, for after a person trust’s Christ as their ...
Jesus' way of discipleship cries out, “No more of this!” amid the violent ways of our world, especially gun violence in ...
The New Testament's language of 'gathering' is interesting and theologically rich. At one level, it simply designates the ...
For example, after the Golden State Warriors star Stephen Curry expressed support for Harris in part because of her support ...
One of the goals of life-extension advocates is the ability to ultimately make humans immortal through technological means.
People say they are happy because they feel happy about their circumstances in life: “My health is good. My family is good.
Although I am agnostic, I was raised in Catholicism at St. Paul the Apostle Parish in the beautiful state of Maine.
I’ve been writing about biblical wisdom as we find it in the wisdom literature of the Old Testament; Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes, etc.
If you’re familiar with The Jesus and Mary Chain, you will most likely compare them to another U.K.-based, brother-led band ...