Maybe you had a bad experience with your last Pap smear and you’re wary of going back to the ob-gyn. Or maybe you’ve never ...
There are usually no symptoms. Cervical dysplasia is typically discovered during an annual Pap smear, making regular screening critical to early detection and treatment, and the prevention of cervical ...
Anita Lasala, a Manhattan-based ob-gyn agrees that conventional Pap smears have been satisfactory: "We've had no problems." Her practice only uses ThinPrep when it has been requested by a patient ...
an OB/GYN with Mercy. Cervical cancer is typically screened for with a pap smear. Women are encouraged to start them at age 21 and get one every three to five years. “A lot of women will kind of ...
Dr. Sanjeev Kumar reused unsanitized medical equipment and subjected his patients to unnecessary tests and procedures for ...
PROVO — Another criminal case has been filed against a former Provo OB-GYN accused of sexually abusing ... A woman says while receiving a Pap smear test, Broadbent "was rough when using the ...
They can also affect her ability to become pregnant. Diagnosis starts with a detailed medical history and physical exam, including a pelvic exam and Pap smear. You may be asked to keep a diary of your ...
Utah County prosecutors continue to file criminal charges against OB-GYN David Broadbent ... Broadbent to use a smaller instrument for a Pap smear because she had been abused as a child.
Atrium Health Navicent Baldwin celebrated the grand opening of a new women's OB/GYN clinic in Milledgeville on Thursday.
On a Pap smear, a squamous cell invaded by HSV can closely resemble a squamous cell carcinoma (Fig. 5). This similarity helps to explain why, until relatively recently, there was a suspicion that ...