and the smallpox genome encodes fewer than 200 proteins. To further analyze this large virus, investigators next compared the putative Mimivirus genes to known gene sequences from other viruses ...
They contend that information that is likely to be discovered in the smallpox genome could help fight other deadly viral pathogens, most notably HIV. "To me, on a scientific basis, we're taking an ...
The biosecurity risks associated with an unregulated industry became evident when, in 2006, a Guardian reporter successfully ordered parts of the smallpox genome through the mail ... agents—often ...
How did it become possible to sequence the 3 billion base pairs in the human genome? More than a quarter of a century’s worth of work from hundreds of scientists made such projects possible.
How the UK came to be the world leader in sequencing SARS-CoV-2 ... global vaccination drive wiped it out. Current genome research suggests how smallpox spread and where it came from.