The summary of the Student Experience Survey is now available. The results show a lot of what is right about BC—86% of Boston College students would recommend BC to others and 75% would choose to go ...
Overall, the results from the 2024 SUNY Student Satisfaction Survey present positive satisfaction with UB. The SSS identifies areas of student satisfaction and opportunities for improvement. The most ...
The Student Sustainability Survey assesses WMU student sustainability awareness and priorities. The Survey is created, implemented, analyzed, and presented periodically by WMU Office for ...
The Global Student Survey 2025 findings are based on in-depth ... the UK, and the US. Sample sizes ranged from 500 to 1,002 in each country. Global results represent the combined findings of ...
Some School Board members are concerned about teenagers answering questions about sexual activity and substance use.
A new survey finds that most U.S. adults consider acts like disrupting graduation or occupying buildings inappropriate.
All respondents will be entered to win one of 20 $100 Amazon gift cards. The survey, which runs March 11 to April 29, is designed to examine students' experiences across the entire spectrum of their ...
Over 1200 students grades 5 thru 12 took the voluntary survey, approximately 70% of all students in that grade span. Questions asked students to rate their response to statements with a scale of ...
Overall, the results from the 2021 SUNY Student Satisfaction Survey present positive satisfaction with UB. The SSS identifies areas of student satisfaction and opportunities for improvement. The most ...