Greenhouse gases are those that trap heat in the atmosphere. SF 6 and other fluorinated gases can be thousands of times more ...
A brief guide to the greenhouse gases driving climate change Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) is used in high-voltage equipment on ...
As utilities formulate strategies to move quickly to meet that demand, the speed-to-market advantages of gas-insulated ...
For the first time, researchers at the Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS) in Leipzig have demonstrated the ...
Does folding or cutting this battery affect its performance? The battery’s improved cathode design, described in ACS Energy ...
Since the Mars Curiosity Rover first set down on Mars in August of 2012, it has been offering astronomers and other ...
We still do not know how much sweat and treasure will be required, but sadly it appears that the political will may be faltering, writes Michael B. Gerrard.
WVVA had a crew on the scene where reporters saw where the house once stood. Earlier this afternoon multiple emergency ...
Defeating the work of the Green New Deal begins with understanding this theory and how it is wrong. In order to do this, you ...
Results of these observations, available in a research paper published August 28 on the pre-print server arXiv, suggest that ...