The Grady Girls from The Shining might be the most famous from the horror genre, but there are many others that terrify. By ...
"It would allow local election board members to subvert the certification process under the guise of meaningless document ...
Who knew an uncooked cheeseburger is satanic? Jones hates any person that values democracy, and devalues Christian fascism ...
The company, American Rounds, has already had six of those machines installed at grocery stores in Texas, Alabama and ...
If these swing state voters in Michigan are any indication, it looks like Biden should be giving a lot more press conferences ...
"We could get back to a day of, as I [mentioned during the rally], of one day of voting, voter ID, paper ballots," she said. ...
For nearly 20 years we have been exposing Washington lies and untangling media deceit, but now Facebook is drowning us in an ...
President Joe Biden displayed his foreign policy knowledge during his nearly hourlong press conference at the end of the NATO summit. Trump's command of foreign policy, in contrast, is simply the ...
Representative Glenn Grothman spent some time on the House floor reminiscing about the good old days of the 1960s, when Black people weren't so uppity, women were barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen ...
The FBI reported in June that violent crime dropped an amazing 15% in 2024, while the murder rate is plunging to historic depths. Inflation is declining, jobs increasing and the stock markets are ...
President Joe Biden's press conference at the end of the NATO summit displayed his knowledge of foreign policy, which the felon could never have done. Another thing Trump has failed to do is address ...
Rep. Glenn Grothman spends his floor time pining away for the glory days of the 1960s, when there was less equality and less social safety services.