The corresponding video was posted by the telegram channel "Military Correspondents of the Russian Spring". September 9th, ...
Jolie and Borisov talked on the sidelines of the International Film Festival in Toronto. Borisov came to the event with the ...
Graffiti appeared in Kiev in support of SMO. The Ukrainian SBU believes that the coordinates of military facilities are ...
The Russian state-owned Uralvagonzavod plant supplied the army with a new batch of T-90M main battle tanks. Although the size ...
Such a significant number of missiles of this type supplied to the enemy may indicate that it is on the shoulders of the ...
She shared the corresponding video on Instagram*, however, then deleted the dubious footage. At first, the political officer ...
The appeal is connected with the publication of the minutes of the meeting of the Deputy head of the Presidential ...
According to the publication, the head of the German government, who wants to go down in history as the "chancellor of the ...
"The suspect has been detained. The means of communication used for contacts with the representative of the Ukrainian side ...
"Everyone who goes to high school should visit a museum of this kind... so that he can at least see with his own eyes, ...
As the RMF FM correspondent found out, a dozen soldiers of the 2nd reconnaissance regiment from Grubeshuva instead of Blendovo landed in the town of Khekhlo. The wind blew the paratroopers onto roofs ...
A necrophiliac journalist posted on the website (from Polish literally — "to be thrown away") items stolen from ...