Open to signature on 19th September 1979, the Bern Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats ...
The coordinators of member cities of the international Intercultural Cities (ICC) network, together with the coordinators of ...
Measures to enhance national and regional anti-trafficking responses and strengthen their impact were the focus of the ...
On September 13-14, 2024, with the support of the Council of Europe project "Fostering Human Rights in the Criminal Justice System in Ukraine" lawyer-trainers of the Free Legal Aid System participated ...
Statement Commissioner O’Flaherty held a consultation meeting on the human rights of Roma and Travellers in the Council of ...
On 9 September, representatives of the Office of the Human Rights Defender (Ombudsperson) of Armenia carried out a study ...
In that context, a study visit will take place in Helsinki, Finland from 4 to 7 November 2024. The Council of Europe is ...
Existing Council of Europe’s conventions – such as on international cooperation in criminal matters , combating money laundering or cybercrime, have helped harmonise national legislation and practices ...
Alongside the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and the Ljubljana – Hague Convention on Mutual Legal Assistance, the Council of Europe Conventions on international cooperation in ...
The Council of Europe is a longstanding partner of the Public Broadcaster in Moldova and its Documentary Department, Telefilm-Chisinau. Since 2017, the Council of Europe has supported the Documentary ...
During an interview at the Tonight by Ilva Tare (a popular political Talk Show) Mr Denar Biba has expressed his appreciation for the Council of Europe assistance especially on auditing reports and ...
Addressing the Ministers' Deputies, the Secretary General highlighted the vital importance of the Organisation's ongoing work and the importance of delivering results, saying: "In this, the Council of ...