The lazy farmer enjoys an April shower from his porch. Summer’s officially over and a long dreary winter looms. Happily, spring always follows winter, so here are a few Lazy Farmer ruminations about a ...
American-Abell 18 hp "Cock o' the North" Ontario-type wood-burning traction engine. In 1902 the Advance Thresher Company and the Minneapolis Threshing Machine Company jointly purchased the John Abell ...
Edwin C. Nichol became president of the company when his father passed away in 1891 at the age of 77. During the eighteen nineties self-feeders, weighers, baggers, loaders and wind stackers were ...
Before the organization of the International Harvester Co., there were a number of independent companies manufacturing grain binders, mowers, rakes and other farm machinery. Here they are as I ...
As low pressure steam is very dense, the tolerance of a steam engine can be very loose compared to an internal combustion engine. Therefore, the wet sleeve of a large internal combustion engine is ...
As read to the Washington Chapter, National Railway Historical Society. A few years back the Norfolk & Western tried out a coal burning steam-electric which had some novel features but they were ...
The 25-65 Waterloo at Saskatoon. It was purchased in 1914 and used until 1937, Weight is 18,000 lbs. Engine and separator together cost $5,250.00. when purchased new in Canada. The manufacture of the ...
234 N. State St., Mondovi, Wisconsin. A man who was employed by this company during these years as a shop engineer is still living and I hope to be able to get a complete story for you when the ...
We are happy to present here the first article on the history of American makes of engines and threshers. Mr. Hans J. Andersen of 6701 10th Ave., So., Minneapolis, Minn., is the author. Many of you ...
38-110 HP. Port Huron double tandem Woolf compound steam traction engine. Copied from 1910 Port Huron catalogue by LeRoy W. Blaker. Alvordton, Ohio. Alvordton, Ohio 43501 I have photostatic copies of ...
1920 Titan pulling 3 plows and a 2-section harrow in the spring of 1955. This outfit is owned by Mr. Arthur Hudachek of West Liberty, Iowa, who is a farmer and tractor fan. He bought and reconditioned ...
Mr. John Jenkins, Griswold, Iowa, moving one of his engines. As I am a reader your Album, I will try to write you a little account of my experiences as a machine man. Although I am past 72 I am able ...