Just jobs in some areas Global customer-service behemoth has rolled out an AI translation tool that allows its ...
Lowering the standards of the world Silicon Valley investor Roger McNamee has called for Elon [look at me] Musk to be ...
Wants to focus on low to mid range A dark satanic rumour claiming that AMD wants to move away from the high-end enthusiast ...
Place to peddle everything The Wall Street Journal paints a grim picture of Telegram, describing it as "the premier internet ...
Hurting competition The British Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) watchdog has snarled at objections regarding Google’s ...
Unfortunately in the US where governments do what they are told Digital rights activists want device manufacturers to ...
Training plummeted While they were supposed to be computer wiz kids, Generation Z famously can’t type. Over the past 25 years ...
All fair dinkum  A team of Aussie boffins have emerged from the bar to declare that mobile phones are not linked to brain and ...
Great specs but… sheesh The latest Windows personal computers with artificial intelligence features are incompatible with ...
MLCommons benchmarks are in MLCommons has released benchmarks comparing AMD's Instinct MI300X GPU with Nvidia's Hopper H100, ...
Snapdragon snaps at opportunity Qualcomm is sniffing around Chipzilla’s design business, hoping to bolster its product ...
More hubris than Bellerophon OpenAI has found a way to burst its own AI bubble by killing off the developing industry with ...