Trump leads on the economy; Harris, on abortion and several personal traits. And supporters of the candidates have different views of what governing actions would be acceptable.
Among White evangelicals, support for Trump is higher among those who attend church regularly than among those who don’t.
Harris and Trump remain at near parity in strength of support, with about six-in-ten of each candidate’s supporters backing them strongly.
Trump’s age, by contrast, is widely seen as a liability, while Harris’ age is viewed more positively. Nearly half of voters (49%) say the fact that Trump is 78 years old will hurt his candidacy, ...
Majorities of Trump and Harris supporters say it’d be acceptable if their candidate used executive orders to bypass Congress. They differ over acceptability of partisan investigations, pardons and ...
On many personal traits, voters assess Harris more positively than Trump. A majority also say Trump is being too personally critical of her.
Trump and Harris backers are about equally engaged and interested in the election. And most say the coalitions differ in their core values and goals.
Most voters name several issues as very important to their vote. Economy is the top issue. Other important issues: health care, Supreme Court, foreign policy, crime, immigration, guns, abortion.
Americans continue to view the economy negatively, with majorities concerned about housing, food and consumer good costs.
The share of Americans who support the U.S. government banning TikTok now stands at 32%, down from 38% in fall 2023 and 50% ...
A median of 58% across 35 countries have a favorable view of the organization, while 31% have a negative view.
Roughly six-in-ten Republicans (58%) describe themselves as traditional, but just 19% of Democrats say the same.