Tasmanians are continuing to pay the lowest electricity prices in the nation for households and small businesses. Treasurer, Guy Barnett, said this was confirmed today at the Energy Matters Committee.
The Tasmanian Government has established a Youth Jobs and Participation Taskforce, aimed at supporting more young Tasmanians into education, training, and employment. Minister for Skills and Training, ...
A new Home Builder Panel established by the Tasmanian Government will enable more homes to be built, faster. Minister for Housing, Planning, and Consumer Affairs, Felix Ellis, said the Government was ...
The Australian Bureau of Statistics’ latest Labour Force data shows Tasmania’s unemployment rate remains at 4.0 per cent. This latest data maintains Tasmania’s three-year period of at or below 4.2 per ...
The Local Government Association of Tasmania will now take the lead on administering the councillor Learning and Development Framework. Minister for Local Government, Kerry Vincent, said the ...
“Our red tape reform agenda will ensure we can continue the momentum of our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania’s Future and keep growing our economy.” ...
The Tasmanian Liberal Government welcomes the Federal Liberal Opposition’s commitment to a new Urgent Care Clinic in Burnie. Minister for Health, Jacquie Petrusma, said an Urgent Care Clinic in Burnie ...
Preparatory works at Macquarie Point are well underway as the Tasmanian Government is full steam ahead for the construction of the Macquarie Point Precinct. With the completion of the State’s largest ...
The Tasmanian Liberal Government has extended the Learner Driver Mentor Program (LDMP) by two years, assisting disadvantaged drivers to get a driver licence. LDMP grants provide funding for community ...
The Tasmanian Government is continuing to modernise its health service with a new clinical alerts system now in effect, delivering better, faster and safer outcomes for staff and patients.
The Port of Grassy is critical infrastructure for King Island, facilitating the safe docking of vessels for freight, livestock and expedition cruise ships. Minister for Infrastructure, Kerry Vincent, ...
The new North West Mental Health Precinct will be located to the south of the North West Regional Hospital main entrance, on a greenfield site near the recently constructed Burnie Ambulance Station.