Women@Reading presents: ‘Since Yesterday - The Untold Story of Scotland's Girl Bands’, a 2024 documentary that tells the story of Scottish pop music from the 1960s onwards, via interviews with the ...
The GCMS publishes an annual multi-disciplinary, peer-reviewed journal, Reading Medieval Studies. Guest editors are welcomed for both special and regular issues. Reading Medieval Studies was launched ...
You are invited to our Ramadan Community Iftar, held in partnership with Reading Students' Union, Reading Dialogue Society and the Fellowship Educational Society. Our Iftar embraces the theme 'Voices ...
The latest research from NHS England indicates that one in five children and young people has a probable mental health disorder. Why has there been this explosion and what can be done about it? In ...
Dr Rosa Walling-Wefelmeyer is an interdisciplinary expert in violence, justice and methodology. Rosa was awarded her PhD in 2022. This ESRC-funded PhD research devised a unique ‘scrapbooking’ ...
There is more than one way to achieve a doctorate. Our programmes allow you to gain a PhD or professional doctorate in a way that suits you. We offer a number of programmes leading to doctoral ...
Title: Multi-response linear regression estimation based on low-rank pre-smoothing Abstract: Pre-smoothing is a technique aimed at increasing the signal-to-noise ratio in data to improve subsequent ...
You can now download Aviva's MyWorkplace app to give you quick and easy access to your pension account. It can be downloaded from the App Store/Google Play or by ...
Eating walnuts for breakfast could improve brain function throughout the day for young adults, a new study has shown. Researchers at the University of Reading found that eating 50g of walnuts (a ...
Elephants, giraffes, pythons and other large species have higher cancer rates than smaller ones like mice, bats, and frogs, a new study has shown, overturning a 45-year-old belief about cancer in the ...
Improving scientists' ability to assess the risk and consequences of crossing tipping points in the North Atlantic and Greenland is the goal of a major new research project led by the National Centre ...