Corporate emissions pledges do not affect stock price, but policymakers could offer non-economic incentives.
Michelle Mello discusses how the law, artificial intelligence, and the COVID-19 pandemic have shaped health care.
Howard was one of the most important influences on the course of my career. Shortly after I arrived at Penn in 1974, he was ...
Each day, over 2,000 garbage trucks full of plastic are dumped into the world’s oceans, rivers and lakes. Pieces less than ...
The “facility siting credo” that Howard and his collaborators offered had been developed in 1990 as the product of meetings ...
Howard Kunreuther made significant advances in the economics of natural disaster risk management at the same time that he ...
The hidden nature of the administrative state contributes to misperceptions of important government policies. Why is the ...
A federal court rules that New Mexico discriminated against a conservative group that publishes voter data, the Ninth Circuit ...
Kunreuther served as both a mentor and a pathbreaking researcher during his time at Wharton. Howard Kunreuther was the first ...
Foreign investment in U.S. real estate surpassed $1.2 trillion in the last 15 years, and foreign ownership of agricultural ...
And Howard is still always there, for those of fortunate enough to have internalized the echo of his voice and energy, posing ...
Howard Kunreuther exemplified the virtues of thinking beyond one’s own disciplinary boundaries.