Der Thüringer Landtag hat auf Antrag der AfD-Fraktion einen Untersuchungsausschuss zum Landesverfassungsschutz eingesetzt. Untersucht werden soll etwa die Arbeit von Präsident Stephan Kramer.
Das Schreiben liegt der Deutschen Presse-Agentur vor. Sollte Bas der Aufforderung bis Montag nicht nachkommen, wollen die AfD-Fraktion und auch einzelne Abgeordnete demnach vor dem ...
The far-right Alternative for Germany, or AfD, which wants to pull Germany out of the European Union and fly immigrants back to their home countries, dominated online channels in the run-up to ...
Dem Anspruch, eine Partei für alle Deutschen zu sein, hat die AfD aber schon lange und unumkehrbar abgeschworen. Volkspartei zu sein heißt, Anhängerinnen und Anhänger in allen Schichten zu ...
Former lead candidate for the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party in the European elections Maximillian Krah will join Germany's new parliament, his spokesman confirmed to Euronews.
Young Germans leaned to the far ends of the political spectrum in Sunday’s election, with most backing Die Linke (The Left) and the far-right Alternative fur Deutschland (AfD), or Alternative ...
The leader of the party said she received the call after the party known as the AfD finished second in national elections, by far the best showing in its history. By Christopher F. Schuetze ...
Am Montagmorgen nach der Wahl sitzen die AfD-Partei- und Fraktionschefs in der Bundespressekonferenz in Berlin, gut gelaunt und gestärkt durch eine Wahl, die die Partei über die 20-Prozent ...
Alice Weidel, a gay woman with a Sri Lankan partner, leads Germany's far-right AfD, which opposes same-sex marriage and champions traditional values. Her leadership has bolstered the AfD's support.
The Alternative for Germany party (AfD) emerged as the second-largest political force in Germany, securing around 20% of the vote. Despite efforts to halve its support, the AfD's anti-immigration ...
Yet the country is waking up to a new political reality that has lurched to the right with the once outcast Alternative for Germany (AfD) party now firmly established in German politics.