The training was suspended at the end of January amid the changes mandated by executive orders under the new administration.
The change comes after a coroner criticised the army following the death of 19-year-old Royal Artillery Gunner Jaysley Beck.
These are three of dozens of incidents documented by the National Guard that paint a picture of discrimination from Topeka, ...
We were joined by Mariette Hughes, who is the Complaints Ombudsman for the Armed Forces and who oversees the complaints process for ... harassment or discrimination don’t even make a complaint ...
Much of President Trump’s ambitious actions to overhaul the federal government have been frustrated by a deluge of lawsuits ...
Lawyer Ahmed Al‑Nahhas​​​​ said he will be convinced by the Ministry of Defence (MoD) once tangible results are noticeable.
Two Black women are threatening to file discrimination charges against the Pinal County Adult Probation Department, alleging ...
For parents of kids with disabilities, advocating for their child can be complicated, time-consuming — and expensive.
Years before diversity, equity and inclusion became the official woke battle cry for race-based everything, the Federal ...
At Veterans Affairs facilities in Detroit and Denver, staff reductions have led to canceled health programs and left homeless ...