Dating back thousands of years in China and Japan, the ancient art of bonsai has long captivated gardeners. Indeed, growing ...
Somehow the Eaton fire spared thousands of camellias and azaleas at 90-year-old Nuccio's Nurseries. Now they desperately need ...
Gardeners use foundation plants in the front of a house to help it blend in with its natural surroundings while hiding the ...
The snow has come and gone — and so has the excitement that came with such a meteorological rarity in Louisiana. Now, some gardeners are looking ...
When you see the first dew drops of spring dusting the grass, you know it’s time to head to the aromatic WRAL Azalea Gardens ...
Lesniewski and her husband have been living in their house since 2021, and have decorated their trees in the front yard with a special reminder of their wedding.
As gardeners, weeds are one of our biggest pet peeves. They compete with our plants for nutrients, water, and sunlight, take ...
A plant's internal system for prepping for winter is all fine and good. But that system is impacted by external forces.
The old leaves of white- and paler-flowering azaleas tend to turn yellow before they drop. Plants may look a little thinner after leaf drop, but they will look fine again when the new, spring ...
Many fresh vegetables come in a bunch with a quarter-inch rubber band wrapped around them... they are wonderful as ...
“What is this going to do to my prized sugar maple or my azalea, or my fill-in-the-blank. And the answer is, as it usually is, that it depends. Generally, if you grow plants that are well ...