10月14日晚,由长影集团联合出品的电视剧《上甘岭》在CCTV-1黄金档首播,优酷、咪咕视频全网首播。该剧由刘伟强执导,黄轩、王雷领衔主演 ...
电视剧《日光之城》讲述西藏拉萨市一群高原青年的青春奋斗故事,在明亮与厚重交织中展现了西藏独特的自然风光与人文 ...
新中国成立 75年来,我们目睹了一座座摩天大楼拔地而起,一座座桥梁通江达海。然而,这些摩天大楼、大跨桥梁面对大风、地震等自然灾害以及岁月变迁的考验时,如何才能做到岿然不动 ...
电视剧《日光之城》讲述西藏拉萨市一群高原青年的青春奋斗故事,在明亮与厚重交织中展现了西藏独特的自然风光与人文魅力,传递出温暖治愈的力量。 高原上有坚韧不拔、勤劳勇敢的优秀 ...
面向未来,现在,她正将目光投向了核能领域。李院士表示,当前的核电站仅利用了铀资源的1%,现在各个国家都将减少核废料,提高燃料的利用率的希望寄托在了氧化物弥散强化合金(ODS合金 ...
No one was injured although there were around a dozen men near the site. CCTV footage from near the CRPF school captured the moment when the explosion disrupted the morning calm, shattering window ...
Detectives are urging anyone with information, CCTV or dashcam vision of the incident to contact police or Crime Stoppers.
Four other people suffered minor injuries. The CCTV video shows the labourer pausing beneath a street lamp and then taking a step off the pavement just as a 16-foot-long missile fragment lands ...
原标题:新华社权威快报丨我国各类养老服务机构和设施比2019年增加1倍 正在加载 记者10月21日从民政部获悉,近年来,我国养老服务多元供给体系不断优化,居家社区养老服务加快发展。
Delhi Police are trying to investigate the potential motive behind the deaths. (PTI Photo)(PTI) A CCTV footage, showing the 46-year-old man purportedly carrying sweets days before he and his four ...