The United States on Friday congratulated Armenia and Azerbaijan on concluding negotiations on a historic peace treaty. The US described it as an ... sat down with Alkis Drakinos, the Director for the Caucasus at the European Bank for Reconstruction and ...
In March 1944, accused of collaborating with the Nazis, tens of thousands of people from the Caucasus were forcibly ...
The United States and the European Union were joined by other countries in commending Yerevan and Baku, which announced on ...
Georgia’s government sparked an uproar by announcing that a port project on the Black Sea will be awarded to a company from ...
Students of the North Caucasus Federal University (NCFU) from Turkmenistan, expelled for ignorance of the Russian language, tried to organize a riot on the streets of Stavropol. According to ...
Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said his country sees that Türkiye is advocating for stability in the South Caucasus.
The United States and the European Union on Friday urged Armenia and Azerbaijan to swiftly sign a bilateral peace treaty ...
The United States on Friday hailed a "historic peace treaty" finalized by Armenia and Azerbaijan and called on both sides to follow through.
Executive Director Aram Hamparian issued the following statement in response to premature reports of a “peace” deal between ...
“Now is the time to fully commit to peace, formally sign and ratify the treaty, and open a new chapter of stability and ...
Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has briefed Russian President Vladimir Putin on a finalised draft peace agreement ...