Dogs with long ears, such as beagles or cocker spaniels, are more prone to ear infections, the American Kennel Club reports. Cleaning a dog's ears can prevent an infection, not treat one.
“I always recommend that pet owners who have dogs with floppy and big ears clean them regularly, as waxy buildup can predispose them to ear infections,” says Katie Pagn, DVM, a veterinarian ...
Ear infections are a common occurrence for many ... The vet can make recommendations on a solution and on how frequently to clean the dog’s ears. After baths and swimming, be sure to dry ears ...
Her ear canals are always moist, except when I clean them, and she has recurrent infections quite often. If your Frenchie is an inside dog and does not swim in a backyard pool every day ...
Luckily, there are some things you can do to prevent ear infections. Related: How to Use Olive Oil to Get Rid of Dog Ear Mites Fast at Home Use a vinegar-and-water mixture to clean out your dog's ...