Coevolutionary theory suggests that an arms race between plants and herbivores yields increased plant specialized metabolite diversity and the geographic mosaic theory of coevolution predicts that ...
The Graph offers access to competitive and cost-efficient decentralized data sets. The network boasts a 99.99% uptime and 24/7 availability. Central to The Graph’s operations are subgraphs, APIs that ...
This repository hosts the open sources of the Neo4j Graph Data Science (GDS) library. The GDS library is a plugin for the Neo4j graph database. GDS comprises graph algorithms, graph transformations, ...
Microsoft Graph Explorer is built and developed using node v18. Are you having any trouble with Micrososft Graph or would you like to request a Graph feature? Check the Microsoft Graph - Microsoft Q&A ...
It is common to find considerable genetic variation in susceptibility to infection in natural populations. We have investigated whether natural selection increases this variation by testing whether ...
Because patterns of selection imposed by interacting species varies across space, we expect that evolution and coevolution will lead to distinct outcomes in different communities, as predicted by the ...
For millions of years, plant feeding insects have been locked in an arms race with the plants they consume. Plants have evolved defensive strategies such as the ability to produce noxious chemicals ...