At the start of March, the Colorado Basin River Forecast Center reported that snow levels above Lake Powell were 87% of the ...
The amount of snowmelt expected to reach the key reservoirs on the Colorado River this spring is far below the median of the ...
Key agreements in the "Law of the River," which encompasses more than 100 years of regulations, laws, court decisions and more focused on managing the Colorado River, are set to expire next year.
A federal freeze on spending for Southwestern water conservation projects called vital to protecting Lake Mead and the ...
The Lumber River, who’s headwaters are affectionately known as Drowning Creek, continues to draw my gaze. Lately, because of extremely high water flowing past Lumberton. The river usually flows at a ...
Colorado lawmakers, worried that a key source of money for water projects is too easily tapped for other programs, want to ...
Immigration and border security will be the likely focus of U.S.-Mexico relations under the new Trump administration. But there also is a growing water crisis along the U.S.–Mexico border that ...
The northeast corner of the city and a west-side connector between two popular trails are focus areas, according to the ...