Released in 1984, the Commodore SX-64 Executive Computer was one of the first portable luggable color computers. It cost twice as much as a Commodore 64, had a tiny 5″ diagonal screen ...
The term ‘quantum computer’ gets usually tossed around ... ‘dakk’ Gessa] with 200 lines of BASIC code on a Commodore 64 (GitHub), implementing a range of quantum gates.
“Planned obsolescence” is one of the most controversial topics in the tech industry. Many believe that companies make their products less and less durable to force you to replace them more often.
Originally released in 1982, the Commodore 64 remains the highest-selling individual computer, with sales between 10 and 17 million units. Despite its outdated specs, it continues to serve ...
Two processors, four operating systems, and still no success: The Commodore 128 came too late and yet was technically ...
Commodore 64 devotee Side Projects Lab has released a video teaser showcasing a 'true Full-HD HDMI' adaptor for the iconic 8-bit home computer.
The Commodore 64 took CES 1982 by storm, promising a system that was considerably more powerful than anything offered by the competition while costing only $595, a price that reportedly bewildered ...
However, 81% of those households have either a desktop or laptop computer. Several huge releases helped kickstart the trend, such as the Commodore 64, Commodore Amiga, the IBM 5150, and others.
Watch on DVD or Blu-ray starting January 1st, 1982 - Buy Commodore 64 Training Tape with Jim Butterfield DVD ...
If you’re not aware, the Commodore 64 is the highest-selling individual computer ever. Its multimedia capabilities, with an audio quality surprising for its time, its versatility, and even its ...