Five years ago this month, COVID-19 was designated as a worldwide pandemic. At Duke, small-group and individual meetings ...
It’s been five years since the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic, triggering lockdowns, restricted ...
Those suffering from long COVID are still battling the lingering effects of the virus, while those who lost friends or family ...
As we commemorate the fifth anniversary of the UK's inaugural coronavirus lockdown, it's intriguing to look back on the ...
Five years since the country went into lockdown for the first time, we look at the lasting changes it brought to our ...
Covid-19, Covid, or if you’re old-fashioned, coronavirus. Covid is an acronym for COronaVIrus Disease. The ‘19’ bit refers to ...
Simmer said he regrets that all the COVID talk has overshadowed remarkable gains in public health in his historically unhealthy Deep South state, which he fell in love with after tiring of the winters ...
In busy times, it can feel good when a friend cancels plans last-minute or you have a weekend free of any social commitments — but experts warn Americans' growing tendency toward being anti-social can ...
Winthrop became the latest town to sue the state’s housing office Monday. Eleven residents of the Boston suburb filed a lawsuit in Suffolk Superior Court, leaning on the ruling out of the auditor’s ...
Join us in recalling the 40 phrases that captured our 2020 journey, with Ohio and Michigan in focus. Discover the words that ...
It was fall 2020, covid-19 case counts were about to explode, and Uma Gaffney had just started work as a middle school teacher in Minneapolis. “It was such a hard time to be a teacher,” she recalled.
The Herald reached out to parents, educators and School Board members for what they took away from living through a pandemic ...