Current local time in Dubai (Asia/Dubai timezone). Get information about the Asia/Dubai time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving time is applicable) current time in all ...
Cuyahoga County districts show increased teacher work time compared to 20 years ago after focus on testing, data.
The main cause of wildfires this time of year is burning brush and leaf piles, and debris burning continues to be the number ...
A retired park ranger makes toys and keepsakes that he donates for sale at park stores. His work has raised thousands of ...
With Saint Patrick’s Day fast approaching this Monday the 17th, I thought that citing the colloquial “Murphy’s Law” might be ...
Scattered thunderstorms are possible across the region Saturday. A few of the storms may be severe with damaging winds, large ...
Politicians could be poised to discuss the contentious issue of school fines for term-time absences, following a petition ...
Colorado Springs residents can expect to see more residential road repairs over the next decade thanks to the voters approving a 10-year 2C extension in November.
Madness for us at the Berkshire Workforce Board, MassHire Career Center, and our many team partners as we prepare for a ...
ALPENA — Alpena County recently sent a letter to the Alpena County Road Commission informing it that the county intends to hold a pair of public hearings regarding a possible expansion of the road ...
Alien Enemies Act: A federal judge on Saturday said the Trump administration must halt use of an obscure wartime law, called ...