If left to their own devices, most apple trees grow into large, globe-shaped trees, with the best fruit forming on the tree’s outer perimeter, high above convenient apple-picking height.
Regularly trimming away damaged and unsightly branches is key to maintaining a healthy tree with an aesthetically pleasing ...
Pruning helps to clear away the old and make room for new growth, but timing is everything. Here are the 7 plants to prune ...
With trees deemed healthy being cut down, arborists unite to protect the thousands more that are tagged for removal ...
There are mixed opinions about how and when to prune a crepe myrtle. We talked to a gardening expert to get tips and tricks ...
You don’t need all 10 of the following, but the full set below will let you tackle most any yard job. 1.) Trowel. Think of ...
Menzel had come upon the story of Julia Butterfly Hill, an environmental activist who lived in a California redwood tree for ...
Answering to the scientific name Mangifera indica and also going by the name Katchamita, Indian mangoes have small fruits ...
You’ll see two pictures of a guy cutting a tree, and at first glance ... Your challenge: Spot all three before time runs out!
Prune and thin plants before they grow so large and thick that an excavator is necessary to control them. I have learned some ...
As the city tries to conserve water to fight drought conditions, area nursery leaders are trying to explain how that’s a ...