The DC Animated Universe featured a string of interconnected cartoon shows that aired in the '90s and '00s. Here's the best ...
These projects can be key to James Gunn's DC Studios creating a critically and commercially successful answer to the youthful ...
Allowing Batman to appear in other character's movies could potentially alleviate Batman fatigue while building a universe ...
There are tons of DC Comics stories that are well deserving of an animated movie or series ranging from stories that search ...
Creature Commandos has been renewed for a Season 2, continuing Warner Bros. Discovery's's investment in the new DC Universe.
David Harbour voices Eric Frankenstein in the DC Universe animated series Creature Commandos. In a recent interview, Harbour ...
of DC Comics. There are even some upcoming superhero movies that will see beloved characters hitting the big screen for the first time in years or for the first time ever. A new animated DC ...
"I just love being part of something in the embryonic stage," says the actor, who will reprise his role as Rick Flag Sr. in ...