"If you are committed to observing Lent sincerely, expect to stumble. Don't be too hard on yourself. Get back up, sprint ...
Part three of the perfectionism in perspective series examines three doctrinal principles that can promote healing from unhealthy perfectionism.
A beautiful display of faith and harmony was witnessed on the occasion of Masi Magam in Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu. The Muslim community welcomed the procession of Lord Srimushnam Poovaraga Perumal near ...
Jesus foretold that “the time is coming when anyone who kills you will think they are offering a service to God.” Alhamdulillah in Islam and Hallelujah pronounced as Halleluyah around here in ...
And they did so on a dime, packing up and immediately going. There were no fancy RVs. They traveled on foot with tents, ...
All fifth Sundays are a joint service of the two churches with communion rotating between the Episcopal tradition and the ...
The seven-person play, directed by Joe Hendren, is not a play of dramatic action, but more a play about the drama of life and ...
Fabián Cháirez's "La venida del Señor", featured nine paintings depicting consecrated religious in sexually charged poses, ...
It is that season again. We went to get our taxes figured up from last year. We were hoping to buck the trend of higher payments, especially since we had ...
Faith and music have always been intertwined for Isis Valero, 33, a native of Mexico who lives in Big Lake. Her parents met ...
That’s how Cameron Cortman describes his miraculous, death-defying journey — a remarkable voyage of trust, survival, and true ...