A 'one of a kind' see-through coffin was carried through London as a gypsy woman was put to rest wearing a Victorian wedding dress. Pauline Devlin, who was non-verbal and never married ...
Gypsy and Traveller communities are among the more socially ... To do so, we used the Caravan Count 2020, which lists all authorised local authority managed sites in England and Wales and a freedom of ...
A GRAND gypsy funeral saw a woman clothed in a white wedding dress as she was carried in a see-through coffin through packed streets of London. The extraordinary ceremony saw Pauline Devlin have a ...
New pitches are being planned in Chippenham, Semington, Southwick and Devizes A draft plan for 120 new Gypsy and traveller pitches has been approved by a council cabinet. The plan outlines how ...
Martin England, representing the family who applied ... He said the proposed pitches had been designed in line with good practice for Gypsy and Traveller sites. In response to councillors concerns ...