The Real American Suite offers plenty of unique experiences, including a meet-and-greet and photo opportunity with Hogan, an ...
The incredible list of names to work for WCW featured some of the best talkers in wrestling history. Legends like Ric Flair, ...
Hulk Hogan is one of the most popular wrestlers of all time, with a legendary career filled with fun facts and trivia.
Hulk Hogan & John Cena have a lot of parallels, including their big heel turns. Here are reasons why they were different, and ...
Without even looking at the rest of the card, this would be the obvious pick to main event WrestleMania III's first night.
WWE Superstars will visit Dublin, Liverpool, Newcastle, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Cardiff and Lyon ahead of Clash in ...
Seeing this more sinister version of The Final Boss, Hulk Hogan could approach The Rock ... With the former UFC giant in the corner of The American Nightmare, The Final Boss may not be able ...
That match has become synonymous with terrible WrestleMania matches, the ultimate anti-moment. WrestleMania 9 is generally ...
WrestleMania was marketed as "The Greatest Wrestling Event of All Time" by Vince McMahon. It had the pomp and circumstance to ...
That’s not a bad thing though, as the general flow of matches across the last couple of WWE 2K games has been nothing short ...
Actually, don’t – though romantic partners Bones and Razeldazl write all of the project’s dancey post-punk themselves, they ...