People who have had direct contact with a person with tuberculosis might be eligible for a free limited latent tuberculosis ...
EUROPE has been rocked by fresh tuberculosis (TB) fears after child cases jump by 10 per cent within a year. Global health ...
Several studies show that a measles infection can suppress the immune system for up to three years, making people susceptible ...
The infectious disease proves deadly for about 600 people in the United States annually and 200 residents in California.
People fully vaccinated against hepatitis B who are not immunocompromised can expect sustained immunity throughout their ...
In addition to causing several types of cancer, human papillomavirus (HPV) appears to bring a significantly increased risk of ...
CDC funding cuts could impact the $50 million in funding for HIV work in Georgia, which had the second-highest rate of new ...
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is reportedly poised to slash funding for domestic HIV prevention at the ...
“Providing new funding to H.R.S.A. opens up new possibilities for efficiencies in biomedical prevention of H.I.V. and other ...
People with AIDS also have HIV, as HIV is the first stage of AIDS. Learn about the differences, how the conditions overlap, ...
The CDC issues a critical warning about rising dengue fever cases in popular tourist spots, urging travelers to understand ...
Patients and visitors at Flinders Medical Centre said they were unaware of the outbreak of a highly contagious disease ...