Twelve districts on the mainland are under an orange warning due to rough seas, wind and snowfall today, according to the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA).
Portugal, a country rich in history, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture, offers a wealth of experiences. Here are ten must-do activities that showcase the very best of what Portugal has to offer ...
The Irish travel retailer has completed a multi-million dollar revamp of airport stores that redefines Portuguese airport ...
As reported, it was a red letter day for partners ARI, ANA/Vinci Airports on Thursday as newly refurbished units went live in ...
“Here you’ll find terracotta-tiled rooftops and beaches very reminiscent of Croatia, with a much smaller price tag. A ...
“Here you’ll find terracotta-tiled rooftops and beaches very reminiscent of Croatia, with a much smaller price tag. A ...
If you don't want crowds ruining your vacation, head to this quiet coastal town in Portugal for fresh seafood and easy access ...