Osgood-Schlatter disease is an injury resulting from overuse. It most common in adolescents experiencing growth spurts and is caused by inflammation of the tendon that attaches the kneecap to the ...
The bra you've been waiting for: Meet the range of cotton bras that is leading a comfort REVOLUTION! Sponsored Bachelor star almost killed by his own family dog after two brutal attacks in 12 ...
The condition is Osgood Schlatter’s disease. Osgood Schlatter’s disease is a condition of the epiphyseal growth plate of the tibial tubercle. The tibial tubercle is a small bump just below the ...
Osgood Schlatter’s disease is not exactly a disease although it is named as such. It is a tearing away of the periosteum of the bone at the tendon attachment of the knee just below the kneecap.
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Background Osgood-Schlatter disease (OSD) of the knee in youth is one of the most frequent of anterior knee pain in athletes. There are several risk factors that contribute to this disease. Objective ...