Animal biotechnology is a branch of biotechnology in which molecular biology techniques are used to genetically engineer (i.e. modify the genome of) animals in order to improve their suitability ...
The States of Guernsey asks residents not to feed the animal as it could delay efforts to catch it. A non-native grey squirrel on the loose in Guernsey "appears to be healthy", rescuers say.
The Chikkamagaluru forest department is planning to relocate bison to manage human-animal conflicts, inspired by a successful model from Madhya Pradesh. Officials studied the relocation process in ...
Learn how acid rain affects forests, animals, and what can be done to stop its devastating impact. #acidrain #environmentalthreats #msnaudience #wildlifewonders #climatechange # ...
New Forest Roads Awareness said the driver reported the crash which was the 21st animal accident to occur so far in 2025. A spokesperson said: “We have no words for this catastrophic rise in ...
Their tracking-furred game ability has made them one of the most sought-after field and forest dog breeds. How do they locate prey so efficiently? Their excellent noses can follow complex scent trails ...
Once covering a significant portion of the country, forests have been steadily shrinking since the 1600s as human settlement expanded westward. New research by Earth System Science Data reveals ...
Forests are among the most important ecosystems ... "Our model could detect animal sounds such as wolf howls, deer mating calls, or wild boar activity, helping to monitor their movement and ...
THERE has been a “catastrophic” rise in Forest animal collisions this year, a campaign groups says, as it pleads with drivers to take extra care. A mare pony was the latest to die on the roads on ...
However, a major new study published in Science reveals that forests across the Americas are not adapting quickly enough to keep pace with climate change, raising concerns about their long-term ...
Ingram DJ, Froese GZL, Carroll D, Bürkner PC, Maisels F, Abugiche AS, Allebone-Webb S, Balmford A, Cornelis D, Dethier M, Dounias E, Ekodeck HG, Emogor CA, Fa JE & Abernethy K (2025) Regional patterns ...