The occupation of Poland may have turned out to be the last hurrah of Polish warplanes during WWII, but not the Polish combat pilots, more specifically the ones that escaped into exile in Great ...
History isn't necessarily an eternal recommencement, but't is rich in lessons. The case of Neville Chamberlain who negotiated ...
Ukraine is headed for a messy, quick-fix ceasefire – which is unlikely to deliver long term peace in eastern Europe. A likely ...
The number of Israeli citizens applying for a Polish passport has quadrupled, and law offices as well as provincial ...
Meet five remarkable Australians who recount their immigration stories to Australia after escaping Europe and the atrocities of the Holocaust. Through their resilience, courage, and triumph, hear ...
Listen to the migration story of Nina Bassat AM, who was born in Lwów, Poland in 1939 and survived the Holocaust together with her mother.
Your writer, Helen Danielczuk, provides an informative account regarding the mass deportations of the Polish population following the ...
The port city of Gdynia has granted honorary citizenship to prominent historian Norman Davies, one of the most renowned ...
The Herald-Mail Co. kept the winning 1939 derby car and racing helmet until the items were passed on for restoration.
Paradoxically, the UN required democratic conditions from Spain that it never asked of the Polish communist dictatorship (author of the petition that gave rise to this resolution) nor of the other ...