Višje sodišče v Ljubljani odloča o pritožbi v zadevi Stožice, ki vključuje očitke o podpisu fiktivne pogodbe in o goljufiji ...
The 2,000-year-old basilica was “once the beating heart of Roman London,” the Museum of London Archaeology said. By Claire Moses Reporting from London Archaeologists have unearthed the ...
Archaeologists have made an extraordinary discovery under an office block in London: the remains of the city's first Roman basilica. It's been described as one of the most significant ...
Roman Reigns, born Joseph Anoai, comes from a lineage of WWE Superstars. His career in WWE began in 2010, where he has since achieved great success, including multiple championship reigns.
While Hims offers more options for sexual health and hair loss, Roman offers more options overall. Here’s our full breakdown of Hims vs. Roman for erectile dysfunction, hair loss, and more.
Although they stayed here for almost 400 years, they still managed to live a Roman lifestyle. They ate Roman-style food, wore Roman-style clothes, and built Roman-style homes and public baths so ...
The wall is 2,000 years old and was part of Roman London's first basilica [Tony Jolliffe/ BBC] ...
Slovenija bo prihodnje leto sedmič tekmovala na zimskih igrah. Leta 1998 je tekmoval Srečko Kos, leta 2006 Žiga Breznik in Gal Jakič, v letih 2010 in 2014 Gal Jakič, za tem pa dvakrat Jernej Slivnik, ...
Ste tudi vi poskusili kaj podobnega? Za Primoža Kirna mi je povedal prijatelj Gal Jakič in verjamem, da so naši možgani sposobni veliko več, kot si mislimo. Verjamem v moč misli. Po končanem študiju ...
The Roman Empire gave its place to the Roman Catholic Church. Photo of the facade of the Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome, Italy. Credit: Alvesgaspar Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 4.0 When the Roman Empire ...