Facebook母公司Meta Platforms努力降低對輝達 (Nvidia Corp.)等外部供應商的依賴,傳出正在測試首款內部研發的AI模型訓練用晶片,達成重要里程碑。 路透社11日獨家引述未具名消息人士報導,Meta已開始小規模部署這款晶片 ...
SINGAPORE/NEW YORK/TAIPEI, March 12 (Reuters) - TSMC (2330.TW), opens new tab has pitched U.S. chip designers Nvidia (NVDA.O), opens new tab, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD.O), opens new tab and ...
In the on-again, off-again saga of TSMC's supposed designs on Intel's chip factories, there's a new twist. Reuters reports that TSMC has pitched Nvidia, AMD and Broadcom with the idea of a joint ...
美國總統川普上任後大打關稅戰,連其鐵桿盟友加拿大都被加徵鋼鋁關稅到50%,且川普多次揚言要讓加拿大變成「美國第51州」,還稱加拿大前總理特魯多(Justin Trudeau)為「州長」,導致加拿大掀起反美潮。加國大小企業開始拒售美國產品,就有美國企業坦言感受到壓力,卻不知道該如何是好。
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC, 台積電) yesterday stayed mum after a report said that the chipmaker has pitched chip designers Nvidia Corp, Advanced Micro Devices Inc and Broadcom Inc about ...
I'm sure uh, TSMC would love this, uh, because they could potentially limit, uh, the possibility that an Nvidia, a Qualcomm, or a Broadcom, uh, would use Intel IP. 04:10 Speaker A And so that's TSMC.
The island democracy’s former President Ma Ying-jeou wasted no time in accusing the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) of “selling TSMC” to Trump as a “protection fee.” ...
TSMC has pitched U.S. chip designers Nvidia, Advanced Micro Devices and Broadcom about taking stakes in a joint venture that would operate Intel's factories, according to four sources familiar ...
Qualcomm has also been pitched by TSMC, according to one of the sources and a separate source. The talks, which were at an early stage, came after US President Donald Trump’s administration ...
TSMC would take a stake of no more than 50% in joint venture operating Intel foundries-sources Talks are at an early stage-sources Qualcomm has also received TMSC's pitch-sources SINGAPORE/NEW ...
TSMC, which is reportedly eyeing a stake of up to 50%, would be responsible for the day-to-day management of the plants. Intel is facing mounting competition in its core markets and posted a $18.8 ...