Conan O’Brien had a story to share that Tina Fey may wish was forgotten. During Monday’s episode of his podcast “Conan ...
Over 20 years ago, Fey, 54, flipped out because her husband, Jeff Richmond, ended up in a humiliating sketch on Conan O’Brien’s “Late Night” show, O’Brien recalled on Monday’s episode of his podcast.
O'Brien remembers Jeff Richmond being dressed up as Cupid "in a diaper" with "glitter in his hair and no shirt" for a sketch ...
Conan O’Brien had a story to share that Tina Fey may wish was forgotten. During Monday’s episode of his podcast “Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend,” the former late-night host told guest Amy ...
Thinking back to one sketch in particular, which involved Tina Fey’s husband, O’Brien joked that his former Saturday Night Live costar is likely still waiting on an apology. “I was just at ...
Some things just make sense once you experience them together: peanut butter and jelly, french fries dipped in chocolate ...