Readers react to Iowa's updated civil rights law, wondering what the Apostle Paul would say to Iowa Christians, in letters ...
Sen. Tony Bisignano, D-Des Moines, asked lawmakers to consider what motivated them "to protect Bayer" by voting for the bill.
House and Senate Republicans unveiled identical bills Thursday that they said would amount to Iowa's biggest property tax ...
Des Moines Public Schools officials plan to pause their agriculture science program for one year as part of Reimagining Education.
Sen. Tony Bisignano, D-Des Moines, said Senate Democrats will be looking at the bill closely. "On first look, this is an ambitious proposal with significant changes to the property tax system," he ...
Sen. Tony Bisignano, D-Des Moines, who also opposed the bill in subcommittee, painted a hypothetical where he used a pesticide according to the label and 20 years later, developed cancer. “ ...
Sen. Tony Bisignano, D-Des Moines, asked lawmakers to consider what motivated them "to protect Bayer" by voting for the bill. He said the bill takes away Iowans' right to seek litigation later ...