Wildlife and law enforcement officers spent several hours observing and tracking a mountain lion that made its way through residential and business areas in Camarillo before it was captured ...
Find a Dilophosaurus (aka. Spitter) aim towards it. Fire a bola, then a tranquilizer dart immediatly after the bola. As soon as the dart impacts with the explosion a raptor will appear in place of ...
During a preliminary hearing in August 2021 on murder charges in the death of Suzanne Morphew, a former FBI agent revealed agents had found a tranquilizer dart cap in the dryer in the family's home.
Wildlife officers shot the deer with a tranquilizer dart so the cage could be safely removed. Photo from Colorado Parks and Wildlife via X A mule deer entangled in a wire tomato cage for weeks was ...
For months, a fugitive dog known as Scrim has transfixed the city of New Orleans and gained growing fame as a tenacious band of citizens wielding a tranquilizer dart gun and night vision ...