Of the 171,476 words used in the English dictionary today, we don’t lack the devices to evoke change or sway hearts, but the willpower to do so.
The school "utterly failed to take the steps reasonably necessary to protect Jewish students on their campus," Yael Lerman, of StandWithUs, told JNS.The post Berkeley enabling violent Jew-hatred, per ...
According to UC Berkeley police, the sexual assault occurred around 3:30 p.m. in front of Cory Hall, which houses laboratories and high-tech facilities. A female told authorities that someone tried to ...
Oppenheimer, a clinical law professor and director of the Berkeley Center on Comparative Equality and Anti-Discrimination Law said the Department of Education misinterpreted the SFFA decision ...
“As part of UC Berkeley, we prepare young people to face the challenges of our changing world and inspire them to shape a better future in their communities and beyond. Future of Food represents ...
After Burawoy retired in 2023, UC Berkeley established an endowment to honor the professor emeritus known as the Burawoy Chair's Endowment for Sociology. "Michael Burawoy's impact on sociology is ...