That thin lucence is called the Zodiacal light. Over the opposite side of the night horizon is another just perceptible glow rarely perceived called the Gegenschein, or counterglow. In the tropics ...
The 22° Halo is a striking optical phenomenon that manifests ... world and the tricks light can play on our perception. Zodiacal light is a faint, diffuse, triangular glow that graces the night ...
It explains: "For those in dark-sky locations, late February offers a chance to see the faint glow of the zodiacal light. Zodiacal light is a faint, triangular glow visible after sunset in spring ...
This month is a great time to see the zodiacal light. It’s a pyramid-shaped white glow on the western horizon about 90 minutes after sunset. It’s visible in dark skies around the March equinox ...