J ust when you think you finally have your life together, astrology will remind you that everything is actually hanging on by ...
Of course not, but it’s coming your way anyway! For the first time since 2023, Venus — the planet of love, beauty, and money — is going retrograde. For 40 days and 40 nights, Venus retrograde will be ...
Spring Equinox, also referred to as “Vernal Equinox,” is a powerful turning point that marks the arrival of Aries season and, ...
At least give me a chance to explain what Venus retrograde means. Because, despite its reputation, Venus retrograde isn’t all bad. Promise!, ...
Mercury in Retrograde will be here to shake our worlds up from March 14 until April 7. And if you're wondering how it will ...
Astrologer Aliza Kelly dissects what this mercury in retrograde means for all the star signs and who will be affected the ...
According to astrologer Aliza Kelly, Mercury begins its retrograde at 9º Aries and moves back into Pisces, “making this a fiery, yet emotionally charged retrograde.” “Aries is known for ...